Saturday, March 1, 2014


Before I talk about our Snow Update, have to say Happy Meteorological Spring!  Well, its not even warm enough to say it, but sure its COLD and Snowy.  Technically we all know the Astronomical Spring that starts on March 21st.


Many are probably bummed that the Snow hasn't performed to what we hoped or forecasted for.  Bands of Snow churned in well last night at times but the Intensity couldn't last at a longer duration.  Many have seen a Lull in the Activity, but the main reason are the COLD Temperatures in the Lower Single Digits and Sub-Zero Temps:
 If you want Snow, you have to lots of moisture and semi-Cold Air.  Our "re-inforcement" shot of Cold Arctic Air really affected the Moisture as it ate into Central/Eastern WY.  High Pressure builds in and will keep us very cold Tonight.

MOISTURE still continues as we look at the Infrared Imagery in Central WY.

-- InfraRed Imagery shows the Colder cloud tops and the deeper Moisture or Light to Moderate Snowfall rates.  The Boundary has pushed a little Farther Southwest than I thought along I-80 and the best Snow bands continue for Western WY where reports of 3' of snow has fallen in the Tetons.

-  It has been very hard to get the snow to fall this afternoon to accumulate in Casper, but Drier Air from the High is much denser than the moist air trying to over-ride.

Thoughts:  Snow wants to fill in later this evening as a new Disturbance is forecasted to move through so could see some lighter amounts. WINTER STORM WARNINGS still continue for Central, Northern, and Western WY until early Sunday.  I may have over amounted, but Model Guidance trended High.  I was concerned about the Deep Arctic Air that may win out and so far, it is.

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