Well Folks, Saturday is the 1st Day of Winter at 10:11AM Mountain Time.
This Weekend, we have a Series of "Moist" Flow sliding into Wyoming. For a Detailed Forecast click HERE
Now, lets get into the CHRISTMAS EVE/CHRISTMAS FORECAST and what the Weather Model Guidance Showing.
<< The GFS Model shows a Trough moving into Wyoming that could bring us Breezy Conditions in Central/S'ern WY.
- Does show "Light Snow" Chances for Western WY and the Bighorns.
<< Here is the EUROPEAN Model which is a little more "Moist" than the GFS Model, above. A Cold Front wants to drop through and bring a chance of Light Snow for much of WY and also along the I-25 Corridor.
** IF This Model holds correctly, this could be enough Snow for a "White Christmas". Timing looks to be in the Afternoon and Early Evening Hours.
<< Here is the CANADIAN Model. This shows the same thing as what the EURO Model (Above) is suggesting. A Cold Front wants to drop through dropping our Temperatures and provide Light Snow for much of WY and even Light Snow along the I-25 corridor
<< Now after Santa passes Wyoming early in the Morning, the GFS Model wants to stay Dry and actually Seasonal with Temperatures in the Middle 30°s for parts of Central WY.
<< EUROPEAN Model is suggesting Cold and Light Snow for the Bighorns/I-90 & Black Hills area.
* A Clipper wants to dive into MT and Wyoming so it will be a quick hitting burst of Snow Shower activity.
<< CANADIAN Model is suggesting the Same as the EURO Model for Christmas Day.
* A Weak Clipper wants to drop in around the same spots similar to the EURO and maybe bring light snow into Western WY.
EARLY THOUGHTS: Right Now, it looks like that Snow chances for WY are in the Favor for the Holiday. GFS is trending Drier for both days, while the EURO/Canadian Models are Moist with Snow. As always, we a little under a Week away. Guidance can CHANGE! Just giving you folks an Idea what "Could" happen.
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